If you are new to Pak Lyst and creating your free listing, you must follow these posting guidelines to ensure a smooth experience for all users.

1. Copyright & Content Ownership

To maintain quality and legal compliance, all users must ensure that they have the right to use the content they upload, including images, videos, documents, and PDFs.

  • Only upload original content or materials for which you hold the copyright.
  • If using stock images, videos, or documents, ensure you have the necessary rights or licenses.
  • Pak Lyst is not responsible for any copyright violations resulting from unauthorized content uploads.

2. Image & Media Guidelines

Before uploading, please follow these best practices:

  • File size should not exceed 100KB to ensure fast loading.
  • Only .jpg and .png formats are allowed.
  • Optimize images before uploading using Photoshop or similar tools.
  • Use low-resolution images (72 DPI) to prevent slow page loads.
  • Avoid misleading, offensive, or stereotypical content related to ethnicity, age, or gender.

3. Document & PDF Uploading Rules

  • Documents should be easy to understand and well-structured.
  • PDFs and other documents must be properly formatted for accessibility.
  • Only upload documents that are relevant to your service listing.

4. Why Use Low-Resolution Images?

Using low-resolution images helps improve website performance by:

  • Reducing load time for a better user experience.
  • Preventing unnecessary strain on website servers.
  • Ensuring that listings load quickly across all devices.

Large image files slow down web pages, affecting both user experience and SEO rankings. Always optimize your images before uploading.